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EASY has the basic features for card FEATURES
design and printing using predefined
templates, edit view for text data input,
barcodes 1D, WIA/TWAIN/DirectShow
acquisition, operations with internal database
– create, edit and record selection,
card/Encoding View and magnetic encoding
EXCEL adds FaceCrop tool for face recognition,
2D barcodes, batch print, Database
Source, SDK Driver Printing Encoding,
.XLS, .CSV and .TXT database connection,
browse/find records, search (query) database
records, and link image to DB field.
EXPERT adds smartcard plugin, ODBC
connection, RFID contactless direct
encoding, Internal and External RFID
encoder support, autoprint, conditional
printing, operation Logs, OLE objects &
Photo on Database Records, signature
Acquisition and audit Trail Report.